Colossus: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Imperialism

The latest from Wellred Books traces the evolution of the United States from a subjugated collection of British colonies to the imperialist behemoth we know today

Marxist School 2025: Studying the pillars of communism to prepare for turbulent times

As history moves forward at breakneck speed, Marxist theory acts as a compass in the storm.

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Winter Fundraising Campaign: $175,000 for the war to end all wars

If you’re sick of being exploited, sick of poverty, war, genocide, and catastrophe, help fund the party fighting to end all of this—the RCP.

First annual Anti-Capitalist Book Fair in Toronto shows hunger for Marxist ideas

We’re already looking forward to the second annual Toronto Anti-Capitalist Book Fair next year!

Communists planting a flag on the east coast

Communism has spread throughout the Atlantic region over the last two years.

Vancouver school of communism: Communism is back in B.C.!

Five years ago, the RCP had hardly an organized presence in BC. With this school, we have announced that communism is back in British Columbia!

Montreal Marxist Winter School 2025: The Pillars of Communism

Over the years, the School has become THE must-attend educational gathering for revolutionaries from across the country and beyond. Register now!

What is a Marxist cadre?

At the founding congress of the RCP, a recurring theme was theoretical education. Without this, we can have thousands of members, a big apparatus, a weekly or daily paper, and all could be reduced to dust. Many socialist or communist organizations were built only to crash a few years later. Everywhere, the root cause was wrong ideas, or a contempt for theory and education—or both. 

The RCP will not be like these organizations. We will build, and we will help bring about a victorious revolution in our lifetime. But for this, we need trained communists.

The founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International begins!

Today, over 500 communists from every corner of the globe gathered for the first day of the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), with 7,160 more having signed up to watch online so far. The atmosphere was electric as comrades discussed the class struggle on every continent, with a focus on the central task of the RCI in its founding week: recruiting and training communists for the coming revolution.