Montreal Marxist Winter School 2025: The Pillars of Communism

Over the years, the School has become THE must-attend educational gathering for revolutionaries from across the country and beyond. Register now!

  • Communist Revolution
  • Wed, Sep 25, 2024

‘Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.” – Lenin

Everywhere we look, the system is cracking, and the pillars supporting capitalism are on the verge of collapse. The capitalist crisis is bringing renewed tensions between the imperialist powers, who are sharpening their weapons to defend their markets, spheres of influence and the profits of their big corporations. The war in Ukraine and the massacre in Palestine are bloody symptoms of a system that is pushing humanity towards barbarism.

But capitalism won’t go away by itself. It is therefore essential for communists to organize and fight to help the working class destroy the edifice of this system.

To do this, our action must be based on solid theoretical pillars. As Lenin said: Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement. This is why the Revolutionary Communist Party is organizing for the 15th consecutive year the Montreal Marxist Winter School, the biggest Marxist event in the country.

Over the years, the School has become THE must-attend educational gathering for revolutionaries from across the country and beyond. Over 600 people attended the 2024 edition.

Since last year, an impressive number of youth and workers have joined the communist forces. This event will therefore be an important moment in the education of a broad layer of militants in revolutionary ideas and in the methods of class struggle. With the theme The Pillars of Communism, we will be diving deep into the fundamentals of Marxist theory: philosophy, economics, history and more.

Register now!

Topics of discussions

This year, we are adding 3 more presentations to the schedule, for a total of 11 inspiring presentations. Plenaries and most sessions will be held in French and English, with consecutive translation.

  • The materialist conception of history
  • How are workers being exploited?
  • The struggle against oppression: working-class unity or identity politics?
  • Horror without end: The fight against Imperialism today
  • The philosophical roots: How Marx became a Marxist
  • Why did Rome collapse? Lessons for today
  • Bolshevism vs Stalinism
  • The struggle for a Communist International
  • The Capitalist State and the Crisis of Bourgeois Democracy
  • Marxism and Morality
  • Palestine and Communism