The launch of the RCP

On the weekend of February 17-18, over 600 Communists gathered to launch the Revolutionary Communist Party.  We do this to confront the profound crisis that capitalism has brought upon us. From mass impoverishment to environmental destruction to racism and war—society seems to be tearing itself apart, convulsed in an ever worsening downward spiral.  Capitalism cannot […]

Canadian Perspectives 2022: The Right Takes Advantage of a Weak Left Leadership

Marxist theory ⁠— in its ability to predict the general course of development within the economy and society ⁠— demonstrates the superiority of foresight over astonishment. In this talk Alex Grant, editor of Fightback ( explains the economic and political forces at work in Canada. A vacuum of left leadership has made it possible for […]

Who pays?

With the recent budget released by the Trudeau Liberals, further increasing Canada’s already record deficit, the big question is “who pays?” Sooner or later someone has to pay – and you can be damn sure the bosses will try to put that burden on the workers. This question, as simple as it sounds, has been […]

In case you missed it: catch up on Marxist University!

International Marxist University ended last night, following four increadibly successful days of political discussion and revolutionary optimism (read our full report here). If you weren’t able to attend, or want to relive your favourite moments, we’ve included videos of all the sessions below. 2020: A WORLD ON FIRE WHY HAS CAPITALISM FAILED? CLASS COLLABORATION, COMPROMISE […]

Uprising in America: the school of revolution

Watch Alan Woods (editor of discussing the explosive events in the USA. The appalling murder of George Floyd has unleashed a mighty wave of pent-up fury across the cities of the USA. A wave of indignation has brought thousands of people onto the streets. The mass media is howling about the supposed violence of the protesters. But […]

COVID-19: Which way forward for workers in Canada?

Fightback editor Alex Grant provides us with a Marxist analysis of the COVID-19 crisis in Canada and what we, as working class people can do about it.

Canada and Coronavirus: A Marxist Analysis

If capitalism could be said to have a motto, “profits before people” would be it. The banks, the corporations, and profits are sacrosanct, and people are expendable. This has been clear from the response of the Canadian and provincial governments to the COVID-19 crisis over the past two weeks. While big business are given handouts, […]

OSAP cuts and the fight against the Ford government

In January 2019, the Ford government announced sweeping cuts to post-secondary education, primarily impacting low-income students. Also announced were changes to student fees, which would have the effect of undermining student unions. In the following video, Fightback editor Marco La Grotta examines Ford’s attacks on post-secondary education, and offers his thoughts on what the student […]

Hands off Venezuela!

Alex Grant speaking against the imperialist coup in Venezuela at the École marxiste d’hiver 2019 Marxist Winter School. Hands Off Venezuela!

The life and ideas of Rosa Luxemburg

The life and ideas of Rosa Luxemburg by comrade Jessica Cassell (Audio in French and English)