Why Israel has delayed its attack on Rafah

The 10 March deadline for the attack on Rafah has come and gone, and there is no attack yet. Could it be that Netanyahu is having second thoughts? The answer to that is clearly, no. The Israeli government is manoeuvring under pressure from outside, in particular from the US administration, while at the same time being internally divided. Is the US pressure due to humanitarian concerns on the part of Biden? The answer, again, is no. The US continues to support Israel in its genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian people, as testified by its increased military aid. So why the delay in the attack?

Communists rally to bring down Genocide Justin

This week, the Revolutionary Communist Party took the initiative to organize rallies across the country—raising the banner of revolution. After 158 days that reaped over 31,272 lives with thousands more left under the rubble in Gaza, all facilitated by Canadian arms, working class Canadians everywhere are more sure of the bankruptcy of the Liberal government than ever before.

Communists bring call for revolution to International Women’s Day

The Revolutionary Communist Party mobilized for this years’ International Women’s Day (IWD) around the slogan “Down with Genocide Justin! Down with Imperialism!”

Bring down Genocide Justin!

As the genocide in Gaza has become clear for all to see, anger against governments in the West has intensified. In the United States, millions now refer to President Joe Biden as “Genocide Joe.” While many think that Canada is more progressive than the U.S., Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hands are also drenched in Palestinian blood. 

Canadian ruling class sells weapons to Israel while it commits genocide

An investigation by The Maple found that Canada authorised at least $28.5 million in new permits for military hardware to Israel from October to November 2023—as Israel began its latest siege on Gaza. 

Austrian state apparatus attacks the IMT over Palestine solidarity

In yet another scandalous attack on freedom of expression, a number of our Austrian comrades have been summoned by a state prosecutor for their support for the IMT and Palestine. We thoroughly reject the baseless accusations of the Austrian state, and express our complete solidarity with the comrades subject to this attack.

Mount Sinai lies: How low can the ruling class go to slander Palestine solidarity?

Once again, bourgeois politicians and media are raising a hue-and-cry over pro-Palestine protests. This time, it’s over a protest that supposedly took place outside of Toronto’s Mount Sinai hospital.There’s only one problem—the story is made up.

Rafah onslaught: The spark that could set the Middle East alight

Netanyahu is taking his war to another level. He is on a path he knows he cannot retreat from if he is to remain in office. And yet his actions threaten to destabilise the whole of the Middle East, with the risk of a generalised war becoming ever more real. Revolution is also stalking all the regimes in the region as the anger of the masses is pushed to ever greater heights. The next tragic act, the massive bombing and land invasion of Rafah, could prove to be the tipping point.

British state arrests pro-Palestine communist – we won’t back down!

Last Saturday, police officers in Britain arrested an IMT member for raising the slogan of ‘Intifada ’til victory!’. But the communists won’t back down. We need your help to fight back against state repression, and to see an end to this brutal capitalist system.

‘Famine is inevitable’: Western imperialists freeze aid to Gaza

While the Israeli state continues its genocide of Palestinians, western powers have suspended funding to UNRWA—a vital source of food, shelter, and medicine in Gaza. The imperialists’ hypocrisy knows no bounds. They have blood on their hands.