India: Farmers strike – Shut down the government

Hundreds and thousands of farmers and members from different supporting organisations from different part of India are marching towards Delhi to stage an indefinite sit-in strike. The march ‘Delhi Chalo’ started on 26 November 2020 towards Delhi. Their major demands include the repealing of three Farmers Bills passed by Modi’s government. Currently, farmers are blocking five […]

Pakistan: victory for IMT as Comrade Amin released – forward to revolution!

Comrade Amin arrived at his home in Karachi in the early morning of 1 August, following 18 days in confinement, after being abducted on 14 July by the Rangers (a paramilitary organisation in Pakistan). His release was only possible due to our international campaign, and solidarity from comrades and sympathisers of the IMT across the whole world. Amin’s […]

Pakistan: international solidarity for Comrade Amin’s release

This article was originally published by the Pakistan Trade Union Solidarity Campaign. International solidarity is flooding in as people all around the world are demanding the release of Mohammad Amin. Comrade Amin was abducted by the Pakistan Rangers on 14 July 2020 in Karachi and his whereabouts are still unknown. His home was raided by the […]

Kashmir: Modi’s draconian measures will be fought by the working class of the entire region

Draconian measures by the Modi government regarding Kashmir have sent shockwaves across the whole region. On 5 August, the 70-year status of the disputed Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir was revoked by a presidential order. The existing constitutional arrangement was also revoked suddenly without any democratic process. The constitutional arrangement, referred to as Article […]

Reject Colonialism; Fight Extradition Law with Class politics

Hong Kong’s massive movement against the Beijing sponsored extradition law is showing no signs of fizzling out, after 500,000 people joined a march yesterday, the anniversary of the handover from Britain to Hong Kong. However, the movement is already at a crossroads, for it has reached a limit of what can be achieved without leadership […]

The Rohingya crisis and the real face of liberalism

Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands of defenceless Rohingya Muslims are fleeing the brutal onslaught of Myanmar’s armed forces. In the middle of all this, we have the western media’s darling “democrat” and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi. The stories are horrifying. Men, women and children burned alive, hundreds of […]

The Murder of Mashal Khan – A statement of the IMT

The brutal lynching of Mashal Khan, a 23 year old student of journalism in Abdul Wali Khan University, by a fundamentalist mob is a new and shocking example of the reign of terror that is being waged against left-wing and progressive forces in Pakistan. Even by the barbaric standards of fundamentalist violence, this murder was […]

“Rise Up Tamils!” Demonstration Puts Tamil National Question Back on the Agenda

The recent rally in Jaffna, a Tamil populated capital in the Northern province of Sri Lanka, under the banner “Ezhuka Tamil” (Rise Up Tamils!) has once again posed the question of Tamil self-determination to the fore since the bloody defeat of Tamil Tigers 7 years ago. This demonstration is an indicator of swelling discontent among […]

The Plight of the Rohingya Muslims today in Myanmar

In the past few months, the international media has been diligently covering the story of rickety boats full of Rohingya Muslims who are desperately trying to flee sectarian violence and systematic state persecution from Myanmar. From January to March 2015 around 25,000 Rohingya people have braved dangerous seas to reach Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand through […]

Marxist sympathizer shot in Swat – Barbarism must not prevail!

The suffering of the people of Pakistan is largely unknown in the West. A veil of silence has been carefully drawn over the number of people killed every day by American drones and Taliban murders. But recently a small corner of the curtain was raised as the result of a particularly appalling event. Yesterday Malala […]