80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz

Contrary to what the majority of Hollywood films show, it was not the United States, Britain or any other capitalist country that defeated Nazism, but the workers’ state of the Soviet Union.

Police say they need more money to repress protests

With the system decaying, the bottom of society is falling out as many struggle to make ends meet. The response of capitalist governments all over the world is to increase military and police spending to defend the present order.

Eyewitness report: Calgary police crack down on peaceful protest

On Saturday, at a peaceful rally for Palestine held in Tomkins Park, Calgary police officers arrested three people, including lead organizer Wesam Khaled, charged with obstruction and “assaulting” a police officer. We demand that these ridiculous fines be annulled and the charges dropped against Wesam and his comrades!

Palestine protests not welcome at corporate Pride

Pride Toronto decided to call off its 2024 march early – rather than break with corporate sponsors that are complicit in Israel’s genocidal siege

Lenin, communism and the emancipation of women

But the greatest advances for women’s liberation have not come through independent enlightenment or individual struggles against a systemic evil. They have come through collective, revolutionary struggle to fundamentally change society.

Interview with a frontline worker: Domestic violence shelters and capitalist crisis

Communist Revolution sat down to interview a frontline shelter worker to discuss how the current economic crisis is disproportionately impacting working class women, particularly the most oppressed layers. 

Communists bring call for revolution to International Women’s Day

The Revolutionary Communist Party mobilized for this years’ International Women’s Day (IWD) around the slogan “Down with Genocide Justin! Down with Imperialism!”

Reclaim the communist roots of March 8!

International Women’s Day was in fact founded by communists, as International Working Women’s Day, and was intentionally launched as a day to link the fight for women’s liberation and the fight of the working class for communism.

Lessons of the 1969 Sir George Williams Affair: The fight against racism and the ‘computer centre riot’ – Part 2

How was it that a formal complaint against a racist professor managed to escalate into one of the largest student riots in Canadian history? 

Lessons of the 1969 Sir George Williams Affair: The fight against racism and the ‘computer centre riot’ – Part 1

On Feb. 11, 1969, the Montreal police violently put down one of the largest student occupations in Canadian history. For two weeks, as many as 300 students had peacefully occupied the computer centre at Sir George Williams University to protest a racist professor’s treatment of Black students, and the administration’s complicity in defending him.