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Federal report warns of a bleak future for capitalism

Mitchell Thompson | July 26, 2024

Book Review: Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy

Connor Bennett | July 24, 2024

Calgary water crisis: Workers reap what Big Oil has sown

Cayden Ransom | June 27, 2024

Embroiled in racism and corruption, Thunder Bay Police Service faces new calls to disband

Adam M. in Thunder Bay, M.A. Olanick | June 27, 2024

‘It’s about revenge’: Toronto transit workers vote 98 per cent to strike

Jason Watts, ATU113 Rank and File member | May 31, 2024

‘We will be your line of defence’: Union rally in support of U of T encampment

Donovan Ritch | May 29, 2024

Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist Party

Communist Revolution | May 24, 2024

Letter to disappointed QS supporters

Communist Revolution | May 17, 2024

The ‘productivity puzzle’ and the crisis of Canadian capitalism

Joel Bergman | May 15, 2024

Nestlé’s factory workers reject ‘slap in the face’ contract

Hikari Rei | May 14, 2024

Police violently crush encampments in Alberta 

Cayden Ransom and Zac Dabmann | May 13, 2024

U of T encampment holds line against Zionist counter-protesters

Matthew Puddister | May 9, 2024

Indigenous liberation: capitalism or communism?

Marcus Katryniuk | May 7, 2024

Amazon workers get organized in Quebec and B.C.

Ariana H. and Gabriel Lamonica-Sleczkowski | May 3, 2024

Labour leaders praise Trudeau’s budget but stay silent on war expenditures

Mitchell Thompson | May 2, 2024

Only the working class can stop the genocide

Laine Sheldon-Houle | April 30, 2024

Palestine solidarity encampment movement spreads to Canada!

Julien Arseneau | April 29, 2024

Pearson Airport workers on strike for wages, safety

Azriel Kerbel | April 24, 2024

Canadian Forces train the Palestinian Authority on how to oppress

Kailan Dancey | April 17, 2024

Trudeau’s rental measures will do nothing

Daniel DaRosa | April 15, 2024

Québec solidaire is turning into a pale copy of the PQ

Benoît Tanguay | April 11, 2024

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