Indigenous Struggle and the Fight for Socialism: Revolution, Not Reconciliation!

Understanding and ending the oppression of Indigenous people requires a study of the development of Canadian capitalism, which was founded and built on the brutal exploitation and colonization of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. A study of this history also clearly shows that the continued oppression and suffering of Indigenous peoples today is inherently linked to the capitalist system, and points the way forward for emancipation through the fight for the socialist transformation of society.

Ryerson University announces name change: Next, the community must control the university!

On June 6, the discovery of 215 unmarked graves of Indigenous children at the Kamloops residential school led to massive public outcry across Canada. Since then, more than 5,000 graves have been found at 20 residential schools, bringing Canada’s genocidal history to the forefront of popular consciousness. At Ryerson University, named after one of the […]

Release Skyler Williams and drop the charges now!

Today, Indigenous revolutionary Skyler Williams was arrested after peacefully making a speech in front of Mayor John Tory’s condominium in defense of Toronto’s homeless population. Skyler was apprehended by plainclothes officers and taken to an unmarked van. Activists on the ground believe he is currently being held at 14 Division.  Fightback condemns this act of […]

Suicide epidemic in Nunavut: Ending capitalism is suicide prevention

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention day. It’s relevant to shed light on the epidemic of suicide that is raging on in Nunavut. In mid-May this year, Inuit NDP MP for Nunavut Mumilaaq Qaqqaq resigned her position in parliament, stating, “we are facing a suicide epidemic and this institution refuses to care.” Qaqqaq’s resignation brought […]

Scandalous sidelining of Indigenous issues in election campaign

This election season comes during a year of mass reckoning with Canada’s colonial history. The unearthing of hundreds of unmarked graves at former residential schools sparked a sea change in consciousness about the nature of the Canadian state and its relation to indigenous people. Calls to take the Land Back have grown in frequency and […]

The Liberal project to create an Indigenous bourgeoisie

The past months have signified an important turning point for the Indigenous struggle in Canada. For the first time ever, public opinion lies firmly on the side of Indigenous people, and awareness of Indigenous issues have reached a record high. The constant discovery of new unmarked graves at former residential schools have prompted fury across […]

Hamilton police launch witch hunt: Drop all charges!

The Hamilton police, media, and mayor are out for blood after the Indigenous Unity Rally brought down the John A. MacDonald statue in Gore Park on Aug. 14. In July, Hamilton City Council voted against removing the statue and instead vowed to undertake a review of Hamilton’s landmarks to “honour the indigenous community and the […]

Indigenous governor general: More empty symbolic gestures from Trudeau

Justin Trudeau has named Mary Simon, an Indigenous woman, as Canada’s next governor general. Simon will be the first Indigenous person to hold that post, and it is blatantly obvious why she has been appointed at this moment. Anger has boiled over upon the discovery of unmarked graves at former residential schools, leading to torn […]

Victory at 1492 Land Back Lane: Skyler Williams calls on activists to stand together against common enemy to make real change

Recently Foxgate Developments, the company that planned to build a housing subdivision called Mackenzie Meadows on Six Nations land, has backed down from their initial plans. The decision came a year after land defenders with Six Nations took back the unceded Haudonesonee territory and set up a permanent camp. Fightback interviewed Skyler Williams, one of […]

To really cancel Canada Day capitalism must be overthrown

The grisly discovery of mass graves at former residential schools is bringing home the brutal reality of the genocide of Indigenous people for many across the country. As a result, we are witnessing a broad debate and a significant change in views on Canada’s colonial past and present.