The imperialists lead us into the abyss

Our ruling classes are ready to drag us all into war to protect their imperialist interests.

Are we facing World War III?

The warmongers are never satisfied. They will continue their dangerous and reckless course to the bitter end, and the ordinary people will pay the bill in full. It is the fundamental duty of communists and all advanced workers and youth to fight against war and imperialism.

Middle East crisis: Sleepwalking into the abyss

Netanyahu’s provocations against Iran and Lebanon are pushing the entire region towards an explosive conflagration, with devastating consequences for the whole world. The imperialist warmongers are responsible for this catastrophe in the making.

Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences

Stalin played a key role in getting the infamous 1947 UN resolution that partitioned Palestine adopted with the required two-thirds majority of the UN Assembly. Present-day supporters of Stalin prefer that we bury and forget these facts.

Why Canada’s ruling class won’t solve the housing crisis

For Canadian capitalists, it’s more profitable to keep supply low to sell homes at higher prices and keep rents high.

Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

The time is ripe for a broad-based, international campaign around a clear programme to fight militarism and imperialism. Towards this end, the Revolutionary Communist International proposes the following programme as the starting point for such a campaign, and we call upon every individual or organisation seriously opposed to imperialist war to contact us, to put their name to the same campaign, and to join us in this task.

The pace of history is accelerating

“May you live in interesting times”: this saying, supposedly taken from an ancient Chinese curse, sums up our epoch. Anyone who imagined they could live a simple, quiet life is in for a disappointment.

Revolutionary change, not climate change!

The catastrophe of climate change is upon us. It is a potentially existential crisis, if not for our species as a whole, certainly for human civilization and life on Earth as we know it. The facts are as sobering as they are undeniable.

Book Review: Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy

With Ottawa backing Israel’s genocide in Gaza, however, millions of working class Canadians can now see with their own eyes the blood-spattered face of Canadian imperialism beneath the democratic mask.

Film Review: The Zone of Interest

The psychology of the petty bourgeoisie under fascism, its individualist mindset and narrowness of vision, finds powerful expression in Jonathan Glazer’s film The Zone of Interest.