Quebec Communist School a great success: RCP on the move across the province!

About 60 members and supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) from across the province gathered on August 10 and 11 for the first Quebec Communist School.

What the RCP fights for

The RCP is a party like no other. We don’t accept what capitalism offers. We fight for what the working class needs. We are a party of the most steadfast fighters for serious improvements in every aspect of life for working class people. We are fighting for a wholesale revolutionary transformation of society. 

Educate yourself this summer with the World School of Communism!

The founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) last week was more than just that.  It was a World School of Communism, a unique event where comrades from all across the globe came to educate themselves on the basics of Marxist theory and its application to the burning questions of the day. If you […]

The Revolutionary Communist International has arrived!

We are building the worldwide party of revolutionary communism and we need your help.

Communists bring call for revolution to International Women’s Day

The Revolutionary Communist Party mobilized for this years’ International Women’s Day (IWD) around the slogan “Down with Genocide Justin! Down with Imperialism!”

It is time to launch a Revolutionary Communist International!

“This is a rebirth, a renaissance!” These words, spoken by Alan Woods, leading theoretician of the IMT, encapsulated the mood at a recent meeting of our International Executive Committee (IEC) in Italy. A significant stratum of workers and youth are reaching out to grasp the banner of communism with both hands – we must turn decisively outwards to meet them by building a Revolutionary Communist International.

500 communists registered – don’t miss the Marxist Winter School 2024!

The Montreal Marxist Winter School is only a week away! As of yesterday, we have over 500 people registered, already surpassing the 2023 edition which drew 460 people.

Why we need Communist Revolution

We are happy to announce the launch of a new newspaper: Communist Revolution. To many, this may appear startling. Communist revolution, here in Canada!? YES! Believe it or not, Communism is increasingly popular in Canada. It is precisely with the aim of organizing Communists in this country that we launch this new revolutionary communist paper. 

Communists make lightning advances in Canada: Donate to revolutionary victory! 

Revolutionary season’s greetings! As 2023 comes to an end, the forces of communism are on the march. We have exciting announcements in store for 2024… But we need you to help us continue carrying out our work. 

Marxism advances in Western Canada: Help us get an Edmonton office!

Building on the success of the past few years, Fightback is getting an office in Edmonton, Alberta—our first in Western Canada! An office in Alberta, known as the heartland of Canadian conservatism, will be a statement to the oil barons, and the entire ruling class, that Marxism is back on the agenda. But in order to achieve this, we need to raise the necessary funds, and we need your help!