500 communists registered – don’t miss the Marxist Winter School 2024!

The Montreal Marxist Winter School is only a week away! As of yesterday, we have over 500 people registered, already surpassing the 2023 edition which drew 460 people.

  • Communist Revolution
  • Fri, Feb 9, 2024

The Montreal Marxist Winter School is only a week away! As of yesterday, we have over 500 people registered, already surpassing the 2023 edition which drew 460 people.

This year’s edition promises to be historic. We’re taking the opportunity to launch a new revolutionary communist party. All participants will be invited to join the party, and help us build communist cells all across Canada. You don’t want to miss this historic event!

As we mark the centenary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s death, all presentations will touch in one way or another on the main ideas of this great revolutionary.

One of the themes running through Lenin’s work is his internationalism. We take this idea literally, and are delighted to announce that four international speakers will be at the school!

John Peterson, from Socialist Revolution, the American section of the International Marxist Tendency, will give the talk on “Imperialism and War”. We also welcome Dersu Heri, member of the newly-formed Revolutionary Communist Party, the Swiss section of the IMT, to give the presentation on “Lenin and the Russian Revolution”. Ylva Vinberg, from the editorial board of Revolution, the paper of the Revolutionary Communist Party in Sweden, will introduce the session on “The State and Revolution”.

And last but not least, we are privileged to host the North American launch of the new book In Defence of Lenin, and will have the book’s co-author with us to introduce it, Rob Sewell! Rob is the editor of The Communist, the British section of the IMT’s new paper. We will have hundreds of copies of the book for sale, so you can start studying Lenin’s life and work right away.

In short, this school will be historic on every level. It will be the largest Communist gathering in Canada in generations.

If you haven’t already, register now!

Tentative schedule

Saturday, February 17

8:30 am – Accreditation

9am-1pm – Opening plenary

  • The life and ideas of Lenin – introduction by Rob Sewell, editor of The Communist (www.communist.red), the new paper of the British section of the International Marxist Tendency

1pm-2.30pm – Lunch

2.30-6.30pm – Afternoon sessions

  • Imperialism and war (by John Peterson, editor of Socialist Revolution (www.socialistrevolution.org), the paper of the US section of the IMT)
  • Lenin and the Russian Revolution (by Dersu Heri, editor of Le Communiste (www.marxiste.ch), the journal of the Swiss section of the IMT)
  • Marxism and the national question (by Julien Arseneau, from the editorial board of Révolution communiste (www.marxiste.qc.ca))

6:30 pm – Dinner

7:30 p.m. – Communist Social – Building the Revolutionary Communist Party

11pm – End

Sunday, February 18th

8:30 am – Accreditation

9h-13h – Morning sessions

  • The State and Revolution (by Ylva Vinberg, editor of Revolution (www.marxist.se), the journal of the Swedish section of the IMT)
  • In defense of materialism: Lenin’s philosophical struggle (by Hélène Bissonnette, Révolution communiste activist)
  • Lenin versus Stalin (by Simon Berger, Révolution communiste activist)

1pm-2:30pm – Lunch

Lenin and the building of the revolutionary communist party (by Joel Bergman, from the editorial board of Communist Revolution (www.marxist.ca)).