The Revolutionary Communist Podcast has landed!

We are launching the Revolutionary Communist Podcast to give the comrades another tool in their toolkit for building the Revolutionary Communist Party!

  • Communist Revolution
  • Mon, Mar 11, 2024

Something very strange is going on in Canada! After decades of declining living standards, the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now the participation of our ruling class and state in the genocide taking place in Gaza, hundreds of thousands of people are looking for a revolutionary solution.

Last year, a poll put out by the Fraser Institute found that over one million Canadians support communism over capitalism! But these one million potential communists are powerless so long as they remain isolated and alone in the face of the whole capitalist system, with its control over the media, the state, and all our means of communication. Our biggest obstacle is not our numbers⸺it is that we are out-organized.

What we need is a party that can bring together all the most militant class fighters under one banner and under one common program. This is why we’ve decided to launch the Revolutionary Communist Party this May, to bring together everyone who wants to fight for a system that is driven by human need and the democratic will of the workers, and not by the profit of a handful of parasites. Together we will topple this brutal, rotten system once and for all. 

But to found this party, and to make it a pole of attraction for workers across the country, we need to make contact with these class fighters wherever they are. We’ve launched a number of local initiatives to find these communists and to help them build in their workplaces, schools, and neighbourhoods⸺but there is still more work to be done.

A growing number of workers, particularly younger workers, seek out audio and video more than written articles. Today more than one-in-four Canadians listen to podcasts weekly⸺that’s a potential audience of over 10 million people! And so, in addition to publishing communist theory and analysis through our newspaper, booklets and website, we are launching the Revolutionary Communist Podcast to give the comrades another tool in their toolkit for building the Revolutionary Communist Party!

We will regularly publish public presentations by communists in Canada and around the world on the foundations and history of marxist theory, as well as interviews with revolutionaries on the key questions related to building the forces of communism in practice.

Now more than ever it is crucial for us to study the lessons of past revolutions and past revolutionaries, to arm ourselves with the ideas that we need to win over our colleagues, our friends, and the rest of our class to the ideas of genuine communism.

Listen to the first episode on the life and ideas of Lenin, out now!