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2018 archive

Ontario PCs Attempt to Erase Trans People

Shea O'Connor | November 20, 2018

Defiant postal workers occupy Toronto plant

Mitchell Thompson | November 19, 2018

Marxism vs Identity Politics

In Defence of Marxism | November 15, 2018

An appeal against sectarianism: Whisper campaign weakens York University left

Alex Grant | November 13, 2018

Fightback subscription campaign: Help advance revolutionary media in Canada!

Fightback | November 12, 2018

Trudeau prepares anti-strike legislation against postal workers: It’s time to defy!

Labour Fightback | November 9, 2018

The violence comes from the right

Joel Bergman | November 8, 2018

Alberta NDP sleepwalking into a disaster

Mike Leiden | November 7, 2018

Ford guts minimum wage: How to fight him (and how not to)

Mitchell Thompson | November 6, 2018

Brazil: organise the resistance against the Bolsonaro government!

Esquerda Marxista | November 5, 2018

Donald Trump and the refugees

Alan Woods | November 2, 2018

Ryerson senators shut down debate at “free speech” town hall

Socialist Fightback Students | October 29, 2018

Internationalist solidarity with Central American migrant caravan

Bloque Popular Juvenil, Izquierda Marxista, La Izquierda Socialista | October 26, 2018

Waterloo holds discussion against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students Waterloo | October 25, 2018

A Tale of Two Cities: The Toronto and Vancouver municipal elections

Alex Grant | October 24, 2018

A Tale of Two Cities: The Toronto and Vancouver municipal elections (2)

Alex Grant | October 24, 2018

Video interview with the President of CUPW Edmonton local on the picket line

Socialist Fightback Edmonton | October 24, 2018

Victory to the postal workers!

Labour Fightback | October 22, 2018

Ryerson: Over 100 rally against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students | October 20, 2018

Quebec: More than 80 people discuss the fight against the new CAQ government

Socialist Fightback Students | October 18, 2018

The forces of Marxism multiply on Canadian campuses!

Socialist Fightback Students | October 16, 2018

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