Communists across the country are uniting in the Revolutionary Communist Party.
If you are a communist who wants to fight this system, you need to be a member.

Capitalism is driving society into the dirt. Everything is getting worse. Everywhere we look there is war, poverty, and exploitation. An entire generation has known only crisis, cutbacks, and climate catastrophe. And yet, the rich have seen their wealth grow enormously.
Faced with this situation, millions are starting to realize that the root of the problem is capitalism. More than one million young people in Canada now believe that communism is the ideal economic system.
Why we need a party
The working class is starting to fight back. We have seen revolutions and mass movements in country after country — and revolution is not too far off in Canada. Working people cannot take this anymore.
But capitalism cannot be done away with spontaneously. For this the workers need the guidance of a revolutionary party. That is why we’re building the revolutionary leadership the working class needs — the RCP.
Join us. We are helpless alone — united we can change the world. Join the Revolutionary Communist Party and fight to end this disgusting system for good.