Not a cent, not a bullet for the Israeli war machine: Statement on wave of Gaza solidarity student protests

Across the United States over 60 universities and colleges have seen students and faculty organising encampments in a growing movement against the massacre in Gaza. A whole generation is being politicised and drawing conclusions about the nature of imperialism, the role of the police and the state and the need for collective action.

Canadian Forces train the Palestinian Authority on how to oppress

Through Operation PROTEUS, personnel from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the RCMP work as advisors and help shape training programs for PASF recruits. The mission? To “promote peace”, of course, while increasing the level of “professionalism” in the Palestinian Authority’s betrayal of its own people. 

Iran attacks: Netanyahu’s dangerous gamble

On Saturday 13 April, Iran announced that it had launched an attack on Israel with over 300 drones and missiles. That afternoon, Joe Biden left the comfort of his beach house in Delaware and hurried back to the White House amidst a looming sense of crisis. The same night, the President met with members of the National Security team regarding the unfolding missile attacks in the White House Situation Room. 

Genocide in Gaza: All parties are complicit

The NDP motion on arms exports to Israel is just the latest joke played by the Canadian political parties on the Palestinian people.

Yet the leaders of the Palestine movement continue to harbor illusions about the political class.

We have to tell it like it is: all parties have Palestinian blood on their hands.

Israel murders aid workers—Western imperialism is complicit

Establishment politicians have decried Israel’s killing of seven food aid workers in Gaza, including one Canadian. But the truth is that Biden, Trudeau, Sunak and the rest of the imperialist warmongers’ statements mean nothing while they are arming Israel. They all have blood on their hands. We say: overthrow their system!

Biden sheds crocodile tears while supporting genocide

Crocodiles produce tears, but they serve to keep the eyes clean and lubricated and are in no way connected to emotions. Today, we have many crocodiles in human form – they are called Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Secretaries, newspaper editors, and so on. But Biden stands out clearly as the Chief Crocodile.

Why Israel has delayed its attack on Rafah

The 10 March deadline for the attack on Rafah has come and gone, and there is no attack yet. Could it be that Netanyahu is having second thoughts? The answer to that is clearly, no. The Israeli government is manoeuvring under pressure from outside, in particular from the US administration, while at the same time being internally divided. Is the US pressure due to humanitarian concerns on the part of Biden? The answer, again, is no. The US continues to support Israel in its genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian people, as testified by its increased military aid. So why the delay in the attack?

Communists rally to bring down Genocide Justin

This week, the Revolutionary Communist Party took the initiative to organize rallies across the country—raising the banner of revolution. After 158 days that reaped over 31,272 lives with thousands more left under the rubble in Gaza, all facilitated by Canadian arms, working class Canadians everywhere are more sure of the bankruptcy of the Liberal government than ever before.

Communists bring call for revolution to International Women’s Day

The Revolutionary Communist Party mobilized for this years’ International Women’s Day (IWD) around the slogan “Down with Genocide Justin! Down with Imperialism!”

Bring down Genocide Justin!

As the genocide in Gaza has become clear for all to see, anger against governments in the West has intensified. In the United States, millions now refer to President Joe Biden as “Genocide Joe.” While many think that Canada is more progressive than the U.S., Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hands are also drenched in Palestinian blood.