The killing of Nasrallah: Netanyahu is provoking Iran to enter war

Protesters around the world often refer to the state of Israel as a ‘terrorist state’. The Israeli regime dislikes that epithet, but what else can you call it’s actions in Lebanon?

Lebanon: One step closer to Middle East war

If the attack on Lebanon turns into a long, drawn-out war, it would have serious consequences both inside Israel and in the region as a whole.

Israel’s Scholasticide: ‘There are no universities left in Gaza’

There can be no business as usual at our universities while there are no universities left in Gaza.

Israeli terrorist attack on Hezbollah: Netanyahu wants a regional war

On the same day as the attack against Hezbollah, the Israeli cabinet had voted to expand its war aims to include the safe return of Israeli citizens who have been evacuated from the north of the country and to keep them safe from exchange of fire over the Israel-Lebanon border. That means Israel is now officially preparing an invasion of Lebanon, with the stated aim of establishing a ‘buffer zone’ to “guarantee security in the north of Israel”.

Eyewitness report: Calgary police crack down on peaceful protest

On Saturday, at a peaceful rally for Palestine held in Tomkins Park, Calgary police officers arrested three people, including lead organizer Wesam Khaled, charged with obstruction and “assaulting” a police officer. We demand that these ridiculous fines be annulled and the charges dropped against Wesam and his comrades!

Student strike for Palestine campaign gains momentum!

At campuses across the country, students are enthusiastically taking up the campaign for a student strike for Palestine!

Montreal Labour Day demo in solidarity with Palestine

“The whole history of the Canadian labour movement is a struggle against these banks, against these bosses, against these governments that today support genocide […] The cause of the Palestinians is the cause of the world working class.”

The repression and slander of Palestine solidarity

The Palestinian solidarity movement has been viciously slandered and repressed by the entire Canadian capitalist establishment.

Canadian capitalists make a killing arming Israel

Justin Trudeau recently claimed that “we’ve stopped exports of arms to Israel”. That’s not exactly true.

Canadian universities are benefiting from genocide in Palestine

Canadian universities are deeply entangled with companies that invest in Israel