Turkey attacks Northern Syria: for a revolutionary fightback!

After a phone conversation with Turkey’s president Recep Tayyib Erdogan last Sunday, Donald Trump promptly stated that they had agreed on a withdrawal of US troops from Kurdish areas of Northern Syria and given the green light for a Turkish incursion. As of yesterday afternoon, this invasion has begun. According to reports, the offensive started […]

Syria: the barbarism of war and imperialist hypocrisy

After all the fuss, noisy propaganda and manoeuvres at the United Nations, the so-called Syrian ceasefire has broken down suddenly, shamefully and irrevocably. In reality it was an abortion that was dead even before it was born. “War is the father and king of all, and has produced some as gods and some as men, […]

The stinking hypocrisy of Trump’s attack on Syria

Yesterday the US navy launched a series of missile attacks on the Al Shayrat airbase in the central governorate of Homs in Syria. Seven people are claimed to have been killed and several fighter jets are said to have been damaged. Without any enquiry and not even bothering to go get the backing of any […]

The Syrian tragedy and the imperialist farce

The spontaneous uprising of the Syrian masses, inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, has degenerated into a sectarian bloodbath. Deprived of a revolutionary leadership, the hopeful beginnings have been transformed into a tragedy. On the other hand, US imperialism’s hypocritical and bellicose zig-zags are a complete and utter farce, and graphically illustrate the limits […]

Hands off Syria! No to imperialist aggression!

The war drums in Washington are beating their macabre tune loud, announcing an imminent US attack on Syria. In the UK, the faithful squire, prime minister David Cameron, is willingly echoing the call. The British Parliament is expected to back the military option in an emergency meeting convened for 29th August. Direct imperialist intervention marks […]

In defence of the Syrian Revolution — Part two

[Also read part one.] Much confusion exists on the left as to the real nature of the Syrian regime because of what it was in the past. In the 1960s after a Ba’athist coup, the economy was transformed, adopting the model of the Stalinist USSR. Although progressive in terms of the measures carried out, it […]

In defence of the Syrian Revolution — Part one

[Also read part two.] It is a year since the Syrian masses rose up against the Assad regime. Since March 2011, the Syrian people have faced the open brutality of the state in wave after wave of mass demonstrations, strikes and civil disobedience. These movements arose in response to the stifling dictatorship, and against the […]

Syrian regime is shaking; Elements of dual power emerge

The Syrian revolution has entered a higher stage in the last few weeks. The number and size of demonstrations have reach record numbers, towns are falling under the control of the defected soldiers- including areas surrounding the capital Damascus, and embryonic forms of popular power are appearing on the stage in the form of popular […]

Syria: Assad regime beginning to crack as revolution moves to higher level

Dramatic events have shaken the already stormy Syrian scene in the last month: strikes, demonstrations in downtown Damascus, attacks on intelligence headquarters, and condemnation by the Arab League. The Syrian regime looks weaker than ever and much exhausted, and a balance of forces favourable to the revolution seems to be the new reality. The arrival […]

Seven months into the Syrian Revolution: Masses still striving for a breakthrough

In the seventh month of its life, the Syrian revolution has passed through many stages, experienced ebbs and flows, and reached new layers of the masses while others have passed into inactivity or suffered brutal oppression. However, the youth and the oppressed are determined to carry the torch of the revolution to the end, to […]