Are we facing World War III?

The warmongers are never satisfied. They will continue their dangerous and reckless course to the bitter end, and the ordinary people will pay the bill in full. It is the fundamental duty of communists and all advanced workers and youth to fight against war and imperialism.

Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky’s amazing Kursk adventure

Apart from temporary propaganda value, the actual military significance of these gains is precisely zero. It will have absolutely no effect on the main war that is taking place in Ukraine – especially in the key area of the Donbass.

French elections: No deals with the right! All out to apply and deepen the NFP programme!

The results of the second round of the French legislative elections brought joy and, above all, relief to millions of voters who feared a victory for the far-right National Rally (RN) bloc.

Masses mobilise as the French ruling class prepares for Le Pen government

French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call snap legislative elections, with the final round this weekend, is proving a massive headache for the bourgeoisie. The prospect of Macron losing any semblance of a parliamentary majority is spooking the markets. At the same time, the rise of Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement National (RN) is provoking hundreds of […]

France: beat the right and the far right! Fight for communism!

The result of the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly have acted like a catalyst on the political situation in France. That which was latent and maturing slowly has suddenly come to fruition.

The Moscow massacre: Who was responsible?

Last Friday, the world was shocked and horrified by reports of an appalling massacre at a packed concert venue in Moscow. According to the latest reports at the time of writing, at least 137 people were killed in this barbaric attack. Men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately by a group of gunmen who showed no mercy.

The fall of Avdiivka: The beginning of the end 

The announcement by the Russian Ministry of Defense that its forces had full control of the Ukrainian town of Avdiivka represents a devastating blow to Ukraine and, almost certainly, a decisive turning point in the war.

NATO staring defeat in the face in Ukraine

The complete failure of the much-hyped Ukrainian counter-offensive has opened a chorus of mutual recriminations within Ukraine and between Kyiv and its imperialist puppet masters. Funding for the proxy war against Russia is drying up in Washington, Brussels and Berlin, and so western imperialism is now pushing Zelensky into a course of action which he is resisting as it spells his political (and perhaps physical) death: peace talks with Putin.

Gaza war: Dockers at the port of Barcelona show the way forward!

A month after the Israeli government commenced its ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, the Organisation of Port Dockers of Barcelona, ​​has resolved “not to allow the activity of ships in our port that contain war material”. The USTP also took the same decision on 8 November.

From the International Marxist Tendency, we fully support the workers who have decided to take decisive action against the slaughter. This is the way forward.

West faces humiliation in Ukraine

If the meeting of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies in India was intended as a show of unity against Russia, it succeeded in producing precisely the opposite result.