‘Freedom Convoy’—a warning to the labour movement

The so-called Freedom Convoy has dominated headlines for the past few weeks and has been blockading the downtown core around Parliament Hill in Ottawa for a week. While the numbers in the blockade have thinned, there are no signs that they intend to leave anytime soon and many have vowed to stay until their demands […]

How the ruling class learned to stop worrying and love the virus

The pandemic has been raging for two years now, and the ruling class has been unable to stop it. While we have barely reached the peak of the Omicron wave, which has wreaked havoc and pushed health-care systems to the brink of collapse, capitalist politicians are already in a hurry to reopen the floodgates of […]

Teachers across Canada speak out against unsafe school re-openings amid Omicron wave

The following are questions and answers from a series of interviews Labour Fightback conducted with teachers from across the country. We have shortened the answers for space. The teachers interviewed have requested to keep their identities anonymous to prevent reprisals from their school boards. Teachers interviewed: A long-term occasional teacher in Toronto, Ontario A high […]

Anti-vax convoy misdirection of truckers’ anger

The federal governments in Canada and the United States have mandated that all truck drivers crossing the Canada-U.S. border must be vaccinated. This has outraged a layer of people who have organized a cross-country anti-vaccine “freedom convoy” to Ottawa. The convoy is expected to reach the capital on Jan. 29.  The convoy has attracted nationwide […]

Grocery tycoons refuse to implement hazard pay despite making record profits

With the catastrophic spread of Omicron, many frontline grocery store workers are wondering why they haven’t seen a return to the ‘hero pay’ or ‘hazard pay’ that was given to them during the first wave of the pandemic. While certain companies have provided paltry incentives and bonuses, no increase in wages has been offered by […]

Capitalism’s casualties

On Jan. 17, 2022, Oxfam released a report entitled “Inequality Kills”, detailing the growth in wealth inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic and outlining how such drastic inequality leads to the deaths of 21,300 people per day. That is one person every four seconds. This is the violence of the capitalist system—a system that prioritizes the […]

Shameless downplaying of deaths in new wave of pandemic

On Jan. 20, 2022, Premier Doug Ford announced that Ontario will begin lifting COVID restrictions on Jan. 31. This announcement came less than 24 hours after the province reported 60 new COVID deaths—the highest daily death toll Ontario has seen since February 2021—and less than 48 hours after the announcement of an all-time high of […]

Anti-vax tax: The CAQ’s latest trick to distract from their disaster

On Jan. 11, Québec Premier and Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) Leader François Legault announced his government’s intention to impose a “health contribution” tax for people who refuse to be vaccinated without receiving medical exemption. At a time when the pandemic is reaching uncontrollable proportions in the province, it isn’t hard to understand the CAQ’s goal: […]

Quebec back to school: The CAQ is heading for disaster

While the Omicron wave is still raging, the CAQ is stubbornly rushing the reopening of schools. Despite the government’s assurances, there is no doubt that the proximity of students and staff in full, poorly ventilated classrooms will create mass outbreaks and worsen an already serious situation. Returning to school in these conditions will lead to […]

Canada reduces support for workers as benefits for businesses increase

As Canada goes boldly into 2022 with record high numbers of COVID-19 cases thanks to the highly contagious Omicron variant, Canadian workers are facing an all too familiar uncertainty. Many of them are losing some or all of their income due to the closures and capacity restrictions enforced due to lockdowns while the current government […]