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Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP

RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP.
Monthly donors receive a print subscription to Communist Revolution.


Anti-capitalist union demonstration in Montreal for Labour Day: A new tradition taking hold

La Riposte syndicale | September 7, 2021

Labour Day 2021: thirty organizations unite for an anti-capitalist demonstration in Montreal

Atefa Mezraie, member of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union | September 3, 2021

Vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination: What position should the left and the unions take?

Marie Martin | August 22, 2021

Substandard housing for temporary migrant workers: The bosses will always take advantage of the most vulnerable

Hantz Vius | July 21, 2021

Quebec: For an all-out health-care strike!

Julien Arseneau | June 15, 2021

Crisis in Québec solidaire: Leadership tries to silence dissent

Joel Bergman | May 14, 2021

The dockers’ strike comes to an end: Who will dare to defy back-to-work legislation?

Julien Arseneau | May 4, 2021

The bourgeois class unity of Legault and Trudeau against the Montreal dockers

Benoît Tanguay | April 30, 2021

Montreal dockers strike: Defy back-to-work legislation and defend the right to strike!

La Riposte syndicale | April 26, 2021

Mass anger as politicians feed third wave. We need direct action now!

Jeremy Swinarton | April 19, 2021

Anti-curfew movement in Quebec: Where is the left?

Simon Berger | April 16, 2021

The pandemic of domestic violence

Natalia Garcia | March 16, 2021

Legault’s hypocritical “war on woke”


Quebec: Private health-care capitalists profit from the pandemic

Benoît Tanguay | February 25, 2021

Legault’s curfew lets the bosses off the hook

La Riposte socialiste | January 14, 2021

Montreal’s ‘progressive’ mayor increases bloated police budget

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | December 4, 2020

Quebec government versus nurses: Will there be a strike?

SÉBASTIEN ROY, FIQ member, and JULIEN ARSENEAU | November 25, 2020

Quebec City fascists attempt to intimidate socialist activist: Unite against the far right!

La Riposte Socialiste Editorial Board | November 24, 2020

Lessons of the FLQ and the October Crisis

BENOÎT TANGUAY | October 17, 2020

The death of Joyce Echaquan: The ruling class has blood on its hands

Vincent R. Beaudoin | October 7, 2020

Montreal Labour Day 2020: 20 unions and organizations demonstrate to revive militant traditions

La Riposte syndicale | September 9, 2020

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