It has now finally dawned upon a growing number of people in Washington that the Ukrainian war is not only lost, but lost irrevocably.
This new Labour government will be one of intense crises. Workers and youth must prepare for battle.
Last Saturday, police officers in Britain arrested an IMT member for raising the slogan of ‘Intifada ’til victory!’. But the communists won’t back down. We need your help to fight back against state repression, and to see an end to this brutal capitalist system.
Comrades of Socialist Appeal, the British section of the International Marxist Tendency, have been targeted by the police and the rest of the establishment for waging a determined campaign to build solidarity with the Palestinian people. We call on you to help us in this fight. Intifada until victory!
With the working class facing an onslaught of attacks on pay, conditions, and services, the garish carnival of the coronation is being met with apathy and revulsion.
Feb. 1 was the biggest day of coordinated strike action in Britain in over a decade, with half a million out on strike. Our comrades of Socialist Appeal spoke to workers at picket lines and demos up and down the country about their fight against the bosses’ attacks and the Tories’ anti-union bill.
In the face of runaway inflation, Britain’s ongoing strikewave offers an important lesson for the labour movement in Canada—militancy pays
To the relief of the ruling class, Rishi Sunak has been anointed Britain’s latest prime minister. The new Tory leader has promised ‘stability’, on the basis of a programme of harsh austerity. Instead, revolutionary explosions lie ahead. 10 Downing Street is changing occupants faster than a room on AirBnb, with its third resident in less […]
With both the UK economy and Conservative Party in meltdown, Liz Truss has been ousted from office – part of an establishment coup to regain control of the Tories. But further explosions lie ahead, as the crisis of British capitalism deepens.
After a month of market mayhem, the capitalist class has killed off Liz Truss’ reckless economic agenda and installed a new ‘responsible’ regime. But they and their system can only offer further attacks. We must fight for socialist revolution.
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