The genocide in Gaza continues. According to a new study by The Lancet, more than 186,000 have been killed. Millions have been displaced.
Netanyahu claims that this will continue into 2025 and the war may even extend into Lebanon.
Without the support from western states like Canada, this brutal campaign would not last a day. Indeed, the monster of Israeli imperialism has accomplices here in Canada. The Canadian government, Canadian corporations and Canadian universities are all complicit in this crime.
For months now, millions have demonstrated against this horror. But so far, the powers that be have ignored us.
The youth instinctively understood that if they won’t listen we must make them listen! Through the encampment movement, students in countries all over the world tried to end the complicity of the universities in the crimes of Israeli imperialism.
However, most encampments occurred at the end of the semester, remained very small and failed to spread. This allowed the university administrations, in league with the state, to disperse them in one way or another—sometimes even with batons and pepper spray.
Take the movement to the next level!
More and more people have seen through the lies of the zionists. According to polls, the vast majority of young people in Canada oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza.
This fall, we have an opportunity to take the movement to the next level. Hundreds of thousands of students will be flooding onto Canadian campuses. Many of them will be thinking about the fact that their university is invested in the Israeli war machine.
Unite and strike for Palestine!
This fall, let’s build a movement on the campuses so powerful that they cannot ignore it.
The university administrations could ignore us when we camped on their front lawns. Let them try to ignore us when we shut down the campuses entirely!
This is an open appeal. We call on all student unions and pro-Palestinian groups on all campuses across the country to unite to organize a student strike for Palestine.

Not all pro-Palestinian groups agree on everything. However, our differences are nothing compared to what unites us against the Zionists, the imperialists and their friends on campuses. We can all agree that our strength is in numbers. Let’s do everything in our collective power to bring the mass of students into action.
As students and workers in the west, we have a vital role to play in the struggle against imperialism. If we shut down the campuses, they will be forced to listen to us. If we spread the movement to the working class, we can hit the imperialist accomplices in their profits. And last but not least, if we spread the movement across borders, we can shake the entire imperialist world and stop the Israeli war machine!
Program for a student strike
1. Unite to strike!
It’s been nearly a year and the genocide in Gaza continues. The Canadian government is complicit, Canadian corporations are complicit and Canadian universities are complicit. They have proven that they won’t listen unless we make them listen. This fall, we call on all student unions and pro-Palestinian groups to unite and organize a student strike to shutdown the campuses.
2. End the support for the Zionist war machine!
All of the institutions of Canadian capitalism are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians. Canadian universities are invested in companies involved in the Israeli military and settlements. But this is just a small element. The Canadian government has been a stalwart supporter of Israel since day one economically, politically, diplomatically and militarily. We fight to end any and all support for the Zionist war machine.
3. End the repression of the Palestine movement!
The ruling class in Canada, including all major political parties have united to smear, slander and repress the Palestine movement. False allegations of anti-semitism, combined with arrests, fines and academic punitive measures have been meted out against pro-palestinian activists. We fight for the freedom to speak out against and to protest this genocide. We will fight any and all measures put in place to silence us.
4. End the Genocide!
The Zionists are trying to finish what they started 76 years ago. They have made this abundantly clear in words and in deeds. Genocide is not something that happened once long ago. It is occurring right now before our very eyes. We fight to end the genocide and liberate the Palestinians.