For the fall semester of the school year, the Canadian section of the IMT organized a Marxist University. This series of events which ran from September to mid-November was a resounding success with over 1,000 people registering! There were registrations from people all over the country demonstrating that there is a growing thirst for Marxist ideas in Canada.
This year, faced with an online semester brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to adapt our work. This is how we came up with the idea of the Marxist university. Comrades on campuses across the country did fantastic work advertising this to students at their universities in online spaces wherever they could find them. The result was hundreds of people coming out of the woodwork to break the isolation and participate in this series of revolutionary discussions!
The discussions were varied, beginning with talks introducing Marxism, explaining the reasons for the economic crisis, the fight against racism, the Marxist theory of the state, and more. Hundreds of people from all over the country intervened in these events, asking great questions leading to insightful discussions!
Prepare for revolution
With the crisis of capitalism worsening our lives, class anger is growing. This is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and the inability of capitalist governments to fight against it which has revealed in the eyes of millions of people that the government cares more about profits than our wellbeing.
The Canadian Marxist University was a great rallying point to prepare the forces of revolutionary Marxism to fight against capitalism in Canada. A revolution is coming and we must be ready! Let’s continue to prepare ourselves!
If you were not able to attend the Marxist university, you can find the recordings of the presentations on our podcast channels here:
If you enjoy these discussions and want to get involved in the fight for socialism, please reach out to us!