A year of genocide. A year of bloodshed and barbarism. And a year of protest against these continuing horrors inflicted upon the Palestinian people.
Now Netanyahu has brought his brutal war to Lebanon: bombing Beirut; killing and wounding thousands; and displacing over a million more from their homes.
In the face of such chaos and carnage, workers and youth across the world are asking: what can be done to bring an end to this catastrophe?
The nightmare in Palestine has brought hundreds of thousands onto the streets of Canadian cities. But anger has not only been directly against the Zionist regime, but also against the western governments that have aided this massacre—militarily, financially, and politically.
In response to Israel bombing multiple countries and invading Lebanon, Trudeau argued that “Israel has the right to defend itself.” Why he does not confer this right to Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iran or Yemen is anybody’s guess.
All of the imperialist politicians in the west are complicit in one way or another. They all have provided the arms, money, and diplomatic cover that allows Netanyahu to continue his slaughter without hesitation or restraint.
These ladies and gentlemen never have any trouble funding warfare, yet always say that they cannot afford to fund health care or welfare.
And they happily hand over billions to pay for missiles and bullets, but these billions suddenly don’t exist when it comes to solving the housing crisis.
This is why the question of Palestine and the crisis in the Middle East is a class question.
The capitalist politicians who attack the working class at home are the same people who are responsible for fuelling conflicts and conflagrations across the globe.
We cannot trust any of these criminals to put an end to war. You cannot expect the arsonist to put out the blazing inferno that they have started—especially when they continue to pour petrol on the flames.
Instead of appealing to them and their institutions, whether it be their parliaments, courts, or international bodies like the UN, we must mobilize to overthrow this whole rotten system.
The best and most effective solidarity that we can show the people of Palestine is to organize to fight the enemy at home—to topple “our own” imperialist ruling class.
Removing these warmongers—and replacing them with a workers’ government based on a clear socialist and internationalist program—would quickly grind the Israeli war machine to a halt.
This would eliminate the most reactionary force on the planet; those who have terrorized the Middle East and the rest of the world for decades, through their machinations and ruthless competition for markets: western imperialism.
Nothing short of this can provide a genuine solution or a lasting peace. Capitalism is a sick system. Endless wars and escalating tensions worldwide are a symptom of this disease. And you cannot cure cancer with an aspirin.
A revolutionary transformation of society is required. And to bring this about, we need to forge a revolutionary leadership that can show the way forward.
This is what the Revolutionary Communist Party represents in embryo: the beginnings of a force that can channel the energy and potential of the mass movements taking place, towards the aim of bringing down capitalism and imperialism.
So if you want to free Palestine and fight imperialist war, you need to get organized as a communist, join us, and help build the RCP. There is no time to waste.
This article is the editorial for issue #10 of Communist Revolution. Subscribe here!