Federal report warns of a bleak future for capitalism

A new report describes a future where “basic needs go unmet” and “downward social mobility is the norm”; “billionaires run the world”; and “environmental crises”, “debt crises” and “political crises” increase in their frequency.

  • Mitchell Thompson
  • Fri, Jul 26, 2024
Source: Matt Artz/Unsplash

A new report by Policy Horizons Canada, a federal research group, warns of incoming crises at all levels of society. The bleak report shows that the paid thinkers of the ruling class are pessimistic about the future of their system. 

The report, Disruptions on the Horizon, describes a future where “basic needs go unmet” and “downward social mobility is the norm”; “billionaires run the world”; and “environmental crises”, “debt crises” and “political crises” increase in their frequency. And, more and more, these crises are punctuated by crises in world relations—rivalries, feuds and wars between countries.

These “projections” sound like indisputable descriptions of the present. And, as the report explains, these trends typically act and react upon each other, creating a “perfect storm of interlinked disruptions.”

These crises and “disruptions” are, in fact, connected. 

They are an expression of the decline of the capitalist system—in the economic, social and political spheres. And it is little wonder why ordinary people are turning against the system, accordingly.

On this point, the report warns: “[A]s the extremely wealthy continue to accumulate a larger share of the wealth, resentment may deepen until calls for greater wealth redistribution reach a critical point.” The report warns of increasing “fragmentation”, “societal divisions” and “values-based clashes” and of “civil war … in the United States.”

Marxists have been saying similar things for years, albeit from the opposite class perspective. Across the world, workers and youth are coming to see that capitalism cannot exist without overwork, underpay, hunger, unemployment, environmental catastrophes, wars of conquest and the like. 

The ruling class, and its representatives, see the need to prepare for this. We must prepare too. 

That means building a revolutionary international capable of uniting every particular struggle of the working class and oppressed into a general revolutionary struggle—to sweep away this system once and for all.