A revolutionary Uber driver

“I know you will probably disagree with me, you’ll think I’m extreme, but I think things need to change. I think the people need to revolt.”

  • Niki A., Montreal
  • Thu, Feb 20, 2025

I’m flying out to the United States today for the holidays. In the Uber on the way to the airport, I chatted with the driver, who came here from Iran a few years ago. We talked about all kinds of things, from the extreme work culture in Japan (the #1 country she’d like to visit), the cost of living crisis here and NATO. She turned to me at one point and said, “I know you will probably disagree with me, you’ll think I’m extreme, but I think things need to change. I think the people need to revolt. I don’t trust anyone in power. Maybe we will lose some people, maybe it will be hard, but it is necessary.” I was totally blown away. I told her I was a Marxist and she said she approved of this, though she had concerns about previous worker’s states. We talked about the crimes of Stalinism and Trotsky’s legacy – she had heard of Trotsky and said she had always liked him. I wish I had brought a paper but I was worried about what the customs agents might do with it! So we exchanged phone numbers and she opened up our website on her phone to read it. Perhaps she will be our newest comrade!