Kamala Harris Is No Friend of the Palestinian People

The difference between Harris and Biden is one of tone, not substance

Middle East crisis: Sleepwalking into the abyss

Netanyahu’s provocations against Iran and Lebanon are pushing the entire region towards an explosive conflagration, with devastating consequences for the whole world. The imperialist warmongers are responsible for this catastrophe in the making.

Liberals take away rail workers’ right to strike

The Liberals forced rail workers back to work without using back-to-work legislation.

Zionist witch-hunt against pro-Palestine labour leader: Hands off Fred Hahn!

Fred Hahn is doing the right thing standing up to Zionist attacks.

Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences

Stalin played a key role in getting the infamous 1947 UN resolution that partitioned Palestine adopted with the required two-thirds majority of the UN Assembly. Present-day supporters of Stalin prefer that we bury and forget these facts.

Quebec Communist School a great success: RCP on the move across the province!

About 60 members and supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) from across the province gathered on August 10 and 11 for the first Quebec Communist School.

Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky’s amazing Kursk adventure

Apart from temporary propaganda value, the actual military significance of these gains is precisely zero. It will have absolutely no effect on the main war that is taking place in Ukraine – especially in the key area of the Donbass.

Ruling class braces for railway shutdown

Canadian rail workers have voted to strike, and the bosses are scared.

Why Canada’s ruling class won’t solve the housing crisis

For Canadian capitalists, it’s more profitable to keep supply low to sell homes at higher prices and keep rents high.

Open letter to all pro-Palestine groups: Unite for a student strike!

It’s time to escalate the Palestine movement.