Model resolution: Picket lines mean do not cross!

Activists with Labour Fightback have drafted a resolution for union members to use against scabbing policies that unfortunately exist in some unions. The aim is to rejuvenate the time honored tradition of respecting a picket line of striking workers. In the context of capitalist crisis and attacks against workers, bringing back this tradition is an […]

2020: A world on fire

The birth of the New Year was celebrated with the usual razzmatazz. In London, revellers welcomed the start of a new decade with fireworks displays, as did many people in Edinburgh and other major cities. No doubt, Britain’s new Prime Minister Boris Johnson was celebrating even more enthusiastically than most other people. Having won the […]

Iran: the killing of Qassem Soleimani – oppose US imperialist aggression

Early Friday morning (3 Jan 2019), in an act of supreme arrogance the Trump administration carried out the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, as well as top Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes in Baghdad airport. Yet again, US imperialism is adding to the instability in the Middle East. Trump has tried to paint […]

Union activist removed from position for opposing scabs

On Dec. 18, CUPE 4400 member Bruno Petraglia was removed from his position on his union’s bargaining support committee for opposing scabbing against the OSSTF strike. We share his statement here. Today I was removed from my union position for opposing scabs. I was removed from Toronto Education Workers / Local 4400 Bargaining Support Committee because I […]

Happy Holidays from Fightback: Buy the Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Dear readers, We are coming to the end of 2019, which has been a year full of revolutionary movements. From Chile and Ecuador, to France and Hong Kong, to Sudan and Iraq, the list of countries entering into revolt keeps growing. Here in Canada, the political landscape has never been so turbulent and the economy […]

Rank and file say Ontario teachers’ strike must escalate

Sixty thousand teachers with the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) hit the picket lines on Dec. 4 and 11. During these one-day strikes Labour Fightback members were out in force to show our solidarity. After numerous conversations with hundreds of teachers, we can report that there is an overwhelming sentiment for escalating the strike […]

Lessons of the UK election: Don’t mourn – organise!

All the reactionaries are crowing. Donald Trump expressed particular delight at the result. “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN!” the US President wrote on Twitter. “Johnson secures crushing UK election victory,” exuded the Financial Times, as the pound rose on foreign exchange markets. Johnson’s Tories, together with the billionaire press, have carried the […]

How Ontario teachers gained the right to strike by defying the law

In 2018, the Ontario government forced York University teaching assistants back to work after weeks on the picket line. They threatened to do so again if it ever proved necessary — a warning to others. Fast forward to today. Ontario secondary school teachers are in the midst of their first strike since 1997. Other teachers’ […]

30 years since the Polytechnique massacre: the fight against misogyny must continue!

“I hate feminists!” shouted Marc Lépine on Dec. 6, 1989, before killing 14 women. Thirty years later, hundreds of articles have been written and thousands of candles have been lit, but violence and hatred against women continues around the world. The Polytechnique massacre was, it seems, an enigma. “Police cannot find what triggered Lépine’s action […]

Worrying signs at Québec solidaire’s 2019 congress

The recent Québec solidaire congress, held on Nov. 15-17, concluded with enthusiastic speeches from Manon Massé and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who confidently stated that “our movement is the real force opposing the CAQ”. Indeed, everything seems to point towards Québec solidaire being a strong contender for power in three years’ time. The party has a record […]