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2015 archive

Netanyahu’s victory: What does it mean?

Francesco Merli | April 9, 2015

Changes to Canada’s prostitution laws put sex workers at further risk

Nasha Mavalvala and Jennie Polk | April 9, 2015

CUPE 3903: Defend Tuition Indexation! Reject concessions! Keep the union united!

Socialist Fightback @ YorkU/Seneca | March 9, 2015

Fightback supports campus workers in Toronto!

Fightback | March 5, 2015

New “anti-terrorism” act is an assault on democratic rights

Marco La Grotta and Jack Rising | March 4, 2015

UofT teaching assistants reject deal and go on strike — View from the rank-and-file

Robert Fajber | March 2, 2015

The Death of the Saudi King: The hypocrisy of the capitalists knows no limits

Julien Arseneau | February 25, 2015

Greece: A troika by any other name would smell as rotten

Jorge Martín | February 24, 2015

Alberta: The end of the oil boom marks the beginning of austerity

Mike Leiden | February 23, 2015

Historic turnout for the 2015 Marxist Winter School!

Marco La Grotta | February 18, 2015

THANKS! Fightback gets its first office

Fightback | February 12, 2015

Sessional instructors and graduate students at U of T and YorkU vote to go on strike: Defeat the Zero Mandate! Defeat Wynne’s austerity plan!

Jahan Niroomand and Farshad Azadian | February 11, 2015

IMT Quebec’s Manifesto Against Austerity

International Marxist Tendency (Quebec) — marxiste.qc.ca | February 9, 2015

Mansbridge-Lang Scandals Highlight Corporate Media Hypocrisy

Marco LaGrotta | February 5, 2015

The Greek elections and the crisis in Europe

Alan Woods and Ben Peck | January 19, 2015

Transit Crisis in Toronto Reaching a Breaking Point

Donovan Ritch | January 14, 2015

Attack against “Charlie Hebdo”: No to “national unity”! Against racism and capitalism!

Jérôme Métellus | January 9, 2015

Canada’s epidemic of overcrowded prisons

Farshad Azadian | January 8, 2015

2015: The storm clouds are gathering

Alan Woods | January 6, 2015

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