Urgent note on Venezuela: How did we reach this dead end?

The situation in Venezuela is developing very quickly after Sunday’s election.

Imperialist hypocrisy: Canadian government refuses to recognize Venezuelan election results

Amid Venezuela’s Dec. 6 parliamentary election, Canada’s foreign affairs ministry announced they will not recognize the results. The statement cited no evidence of election fraud or tampering, and came less than two years after Canada helped organize a failed coup to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically elected government. Canada used to consider the National Assembly to be […]

Trudeau and Guaidó: Two great “democrats” meet

Last night, Jan. 27, Justin Trudeau had the honour of receiving the great Venezuelan democrat, Juan Guaidó. Having been rejected by the people of his own country and failing to lead a coup, Juan Guaidó is now travelling the world to seek support from the leaders of the great powers. After meeting with Boris Johnson, […]

Down with Trump’s Venezuela embargo: fight imperialist aggression by revolutionary means

On 5 August, the Trump administration took yet another step in escalating imperialist aggression against Venezuela by imposing an economic embargo. The current regime change offensive against President Maduro has so far failed miserably. Incapable of using direct military means to remove the Venezuelan government and impose one of its liking, Washington has decided to […]

Venezuela: Guaidó’s botched coup – what does it mean and what’s next?

Just before dawn on 30 April, the Venezuelan opposition launched yet another attempt at a military coup. By the end of the day, the botched coup attempt seemed to have failed, with one of its leaders seeking refuge in the Spanish embassy, 25 of the soldiers involved requesting asylum at the Brazilian embassy and Juan […]


The International Marxist Tendency rejects the current attempt by US imperialism to carry out a coup in Venezuela. What we are witnessing is a blatant attempt to remove the Venezuelan government of president Maduro by a coalition of countries, led by Trump. This is the latest episode in a 20-year campaign against the Bolivarian Revolution, […]

Montreal Marxist Winter School 2019: Special session on the situation in Venezuela

We have decided to change the program for the upcoming Marxist Winter School in Montreal to hold a special session on the situation in Venezuela. Below are details about the session and other important details for the weekend. HANDS OFF VENEZUELA! On January 23, the president of the opposition-controlled Venezuelan National Assembly Juan Guaidó appointed […]

Trump is going for regime change – we say: hands off Venezuela!

The United States has decided it is time for “regime change” in Venezuela, and is acting in a relentless manner to achieve it. The imperialists have appointed an “interim president” and rallied the “international community” to recognise him. They have seized Venezuelan assets in the US and the UK and imposed economic sanctions. They are […]

Canadian hypocrisy in Venezuelan coup-d’etat

Working hand-in-hand with the Trump administration, the Canadian government has been at the forefront of the attempt to artificially install Venezuela National Assembly president Juan Guaido as president. The Trudeau regime has the temerity of declaring Venezuela a dictatorship at the same time as it sells Saudi Arabia $15-billion in arms. Utilizing the mass media […]

Venezuela: coup in progress, Guaidó proclaims himself president

As we have reported previously, a coup d’état is underway in Venezuela, promoted by imperialism and its lackeys of the Lima cartel; and executed by its puppets in the opposition. On 23 January, the coup entered into a higher phase of its execution when deputy Guaido took an oath as “president in charge of the […]