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Help build the RCP!

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Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP

RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP.
Monthly donors receive a print subscription to Communist Revolution.

Join your local communists!

Do YOU want to fight for revolution? Then you need to join the communists and get organized!

Join your local chapter of the Revolutionary Communist Party. To find out how the communists in your city are organizing and how you can help, check out your local chapter’s Instagram where you can find upcoming events and rallies and directly contact your comrades.

Don’t see your city in the list below? Start your own RCP chapter! Go to marxist.ca/join to join your party and get the tools you need to paint your city red.


Toronto – Citywide: @toronto_communist

Toronto – West-end: @communistsinwesttoronto

Toronto – TMU: @tmucommunists

Toronto – YorkU: @communistrevolutionyorku

Toronto – UofT: @uoftcommunists

Scarborough: @scarborough_communists

Mississauga: @mississaugacommunists

Kitchener-Waterloo: @kwcommunists

Kingston: @kingstoncommunists

Ottawa: @cr_ottawa

Peterborough: @peterboroughcommunists


Montreal – Citywide: @communistes_de_montreal

Montreal – Dawson College: @dawsoncommunists

Montreal – Concordia: @concordiacommunists

Montreal – McGill: @mcgillcommunists

Montreal – UQAM: @communistes_uqam

Montreal – UDEM: @communistes_udem

Sherbrooke: @communistes.sherbrooke

Quebec City: @communistes.quebec


Edmonton: @edmontoncommunists

Calgary: @calgarycommunists

British Columbia

Vancouver: @vancouvercommunists

Victoria: @victoriacommunists

Nova Scotia

Halifax: @novascotiacommunists

Cape Breton: @capebretoncommunists

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: @peicommunists