“Left-wing” Communism and the Transitional Program: The tools for winning the masses

It’s not enough for the RCP to simply talk about communism in the abstract. The art of communist politics is learning to connect with the masses of workers, learning to link their aspirations and demands to the overthrow of the capitalist system.

In case you missed it: catch up on Marxist University!

International Marxist University ended last night, following four increadibly successful days of political discussion and revolutionary optimism (read our full report here). If you weren’t able to attend, or want to relive your favourite moments, we’ve included videos of all the sessions below. 2020: A WORLD ON FIRE WHY HAS CAPITALISM FAILED? CLASS COLLABORATION, COMPROMISE […]

Explaining the coming crisis of capitalism

Business news headlines recently bemoaned the incidence of “bond yield inversions” in a series of countries as supposedly the harbinger of doom and destruction. Many working-class people were left scratching their heads about what on earth this all means. 10 years after the “Great Recession”, many could be forgiven for thinking that we have been […]

Marxism vs Identity Politics

This document, after a thorough discussion at all levels of the International Marxist Tendency over the past year, was approved unanimously by the IMT World Congress held at the end of July 2018 with the original title Marxist Theory and The Struggle Against Alien Class Ideas. Its aim is to draw a line between Marxism and a set […]

Top 10 lies about the Bolshevik Revolution: part one

Alex Grant from the Canadian section of the International Marxist Tendency debunks the top 10 slanders about the October Revolution, starting with lies one through five. No other event in human history has been the subject of more distortions, falsehoods, fabrications, and downright lies as the Russian Revolution. Those witnessing the treatment of Jeremy Corbyn […]

Marxism vs. Intersectionality

The crisis of capitalism has given rise to a mood of questioning and mass movements across the world. From the Spanish Indignados, to the Syntagma Square in Greece, and more recently the Nuit Debout in France, youth are starting to take action and challenge the capitalist system. As part of this general mood, recent years […]

The Russian Revolution – Reading Guide

“No matter what one thinks of Bolshevism, it is undeniable that the Russian Revolution is one of the greatest events in human history, and the rule of the Bolsheviki a phenomenon of worldwide importance.” John Reed, 1st January 1919. (J. Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World) This year marks the 100th anniversary of the […]

What will socialism look like?

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of one of the deepest crises capitalism has ever faced. While the 99% are being asked to pay for the crisis, the 1% are amassing wealth at an ever accelerating pace. The saturating level of scandal and corruption in the establishment is alienating millions from traditional politics. All […]

Ted Grant: The Permanent Revolutionary

This year marks the centenary of the birth of Ted Grant, founder of the International Marxist Tendency. In addition to remaining firm on the basic principles of Marxism in the difficult situation following the death of Trotsky, Ted contributed greatly to the development of Marxist theory in the postwar period. We are proud to announce […]

In Defence of October: Leon Trotsky on the Russian Revolution

Today marks the 95th anniversary of the most important event in human history — the victory of the October Revolution and the overthrow of capitalism in Russia. For this momentous event, we republish a speech given in Copenhagen by the great revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, on the 15th anniversary of the revolution. In this speech, Trotsky […]