Eight years after taking the reins of the party, GND leaves behind a moribund formation, almost indistinguishable from the PQ, and languishing in fifth place in the polls. This is an expression of the bankruptcy of left reformism in general.
The CAQ is seeking a tool to break the labour movement without having to resort to unpopular back-to-work legislation.
The CAQ, which a few years ago posed as the champion of “academic freedom”, is now trampling on that freedom to please Zionists
Without collective action by the workers themselves, even the world’s most successful boycott will not save jobs.
Back in May, 300 workers at Amazon’s DXT4 facility in Laval signed CSN union cards, making it the second unionized facility in North America. The company has been busy trying to destroy the union, ever since.
The FIQ leadership’s collaborationist approach is a losing strategy and must be thrown out once and for all.
Only by defying this anti-democratic measure can the workers beat back the bosses’ offensive.
The battery industry in general, and the Northvolt fiasco in particular, are perfect examples of capitalist parasitism.
“The whole history of the Canadian labour movement is a struggle against these banks, against these bosses, against these governments that today support genocide […] The cause of the Palestinians is the cause of the world working class.”
Quebec solidaire is in crisis. With the resignation of co-spokesperson Émilise Lessard-Therrien, what many of us could see occurring behind the scenes is now out in the open. A small clique of bureaucrats around Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois are turning Quebec solidaire into a run of the mill social democratic party.
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