Our cell in the Toronto Village staked out the corner of Church & Wellesley on a sweltering Sunday afternoon, armed with copies of the latest issue of Communist Revolution and raising the call for a nation-wide Student Strike for Palestine. We spoke with students from U of T, Sheridan College, and from abroad who recognized this escalation as the logical next step in the movement to free Palestine. One communist we talked to purchased 4 copies of the paper to share with her coworkers and immediately wanted to get organized with us! We met another communist who was organizing with his student union in Pittsburgh and supported our work. Shortly before, we had met a group of Philadelphians who were excited to see our American comrades march in the streets following the RCA’s founding congress! We sold half our stock of papers in less than two hours. Our conversations revealed that the movement still has broad support, that conscious communists are a growing layer, and a student strike can be the rallying call for mass mobilization beyond what the encampments could achieve.
Enthusiasm for a Student Strike in Toronto’s Gay Village
A student strike can be the rallying call for mass mobilization beyond what the encampments could achieve
- Tue, Aug 27, 2024