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World capitalism is in serious trouble, and American capitalism is at the heart of the rot. Trump’s unenviable task is to manage the systemic crisis of capitalism, and in particular, US imperialism’s relative decline.
The ferocious blaze threatening to swallow America’s second largest city is a product of the capitalist system in terminal decline.
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The fall of the Liberals ushers in a new era of crisis and instability for Canada.
A group of scandalously rich parasites is asking the state to buy useless toys of war in the hope of artificially maintaining their failed economic system.
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What we see is not the struggle to establish a more just world system, but rather the struggle between different imperialist robbers for the division of the loot.
With the government in crisis and the threat of Trump imminent, things are barrelling towards disaster.
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Hearing the government denounce someone as “wicked” and dangerous to society is more likely to spark interest than the universal chorus of condemnation that the movie ends with.
The past few years, high inflation has plagued workers and businesses alike, hitting items like cheese especially hard. This has created a vacuum for discount luxuries, like cheese.
By being there, talking to the students about our ideas, it was easy to find students who want to fight for a better world, who want to fight for communism. — Elliot F., Toronto
Yesterday I was meeting a potential recruit in a café. I had spread out several pieces of literature in front of me, including the biography In Defense of Lenin. A family sat down next to us and noticed the LENIN on the spine of the book. The grandfather came to see us, speaking only Persian, […]
I’m in a sociology class on right-wing extremism, and we were talking about the U.S. election results. In sociology we’re taught to see the shades of grey in society—to try and understand things from perspectives we would never have ourselves, to be empathetic even if we personally disagree. But no one in that room could […]
No half measures will fix what’s wrong with Canadian capitalism and I don’t have time for it.
Revolution is coming to Canada
The Israeli regime, and the western powers who support it, are enemies of the workers and youth of the Middle East. They have been wreaking havoc in the region for more than a century, keeping it crushed under the jackboot of barbaric imperialist oppression.
The time is ripe for a broad-based, international campaign around a clear programme to fight militarism and imperialism. Towards this end, the Revolutionary Communist International proposes the following programme as the starting point for such a campaign, and we call upon every individual or organisation seriously opposed to imperialist war to contact us, to put their name to the same campaign, and to join us in this task.
We are the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the section of the Revolutionary Communist International in Canada. Our demands are modest: the complete overthrow of capitalism—the construction of a society free of exploitation and oppression.
The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be launched in June of this year.