The voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party

The latest

Film review: ‘The Cassandra Cat’

Check out The Cassandra Cat if you want an original, artistic view of life under Stalinism, and how the revolution will sweep all bureaucrats aside.

The repression and slander of Palestine solidarity

The Palestinian solidarity movement has been viciously slandered and repressed by the entire Canadian capitalist establishment.

Canadian capitalists make a killing arming Israel

Justin Trudeau recently claimed that “we’ve stopped exports of arms to Israel”. That’s not exactly true.

Canadian universities are benefiting from genocide in Palestine

Canadian universities are deeply entangled with companies that invest in Israel

Explosion of anger against Netanyahu in Israel: ‘Hostages’ blood is on his hands’

In Netanyahu’s callous calculations, the lives of the hostages are just so much small change to be used for political advantage. His cynical manoeuvres have alienated him from his own electorate, large sections of the Israeli ruling class and even many in his own cabinet.

Student strike: How to get started?

Everything hinges on broadening  this movement as far  as possible!

Same struggle, same fight

The same capitalist forces which support Israeli imperialism also oppress and exploit workers here. 

Kamala Harris Is No Friend of the Palestinian People

The difference between Harris and Biden is one of tone, not substance



We want to hear your stories. Write us!

De l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace!

Politics in the paint aisle.

Solidarity with the Viterra strikers!

Workers at Viterra in Bécancour have been on strike for over three months.

A situation like the one in Bangladesh is inevitable in Canada. Unlike the revolutionaries in Bangladesh, however, we in Canada have the privilege of having a bit of time before the decisive revolutionary battles break out. We must use this time to not only grow but educate ourselves. — Sakif K., Montreal
Towards a student strike for Palestine: Cégep Ste-Foy

“I want to get involved right away”!

Towards a student strike for Palestine: Vanier College

A successful Day One!

Towards a student strike for Palestine: U of T

Be prepared for a positive response!

Revolution is coming to Canada

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Fight imperialism and war! Workers of the world unite! – RCI statement

The time is ripe for a broad-based, international campaign around a clear programme to fight militarism and imperialism. Towards this end, the Revolutionary Communist International proposes the following programme as the starting point for such a campaign, and we call upon every individual or organisation seriously opposed to imperialist war to contact us, to put their name to the same campaign, and to join us in this task.

Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist Party

We are the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the section of the Revolutionary Communist International in Canada. Our demands are modest: the complete overthrow of capitalism—the construction of a society free of exploitation and oppression. 

Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International

The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be launched in June of this year.

Why we need Communist Revolution

We are happy to announce the launch of a new newspaper: Communist Revolution. To many, this may appear startling. Communist revolution, here in Canada!? YES! Believe it or not, Communism is increasingly popular in Canada. It is precisely with the aim of organizing Communists in this country that we launch this new revolutionary communist paper. 

“Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it to the full.”
Leon Trotsky