Premier Danielle Smith has been caught red-handed using contracts with private health care providers to give payouts to her friends
CUPE workers were welcomed to the Alberta Union of Public Employees rally that as heroes.
The lie Smith repeats about how privatization will lead to superior service is only a front for her attack on the Albertan working class.
On Saturday, at a peaceful rally for Palestine held in Tomkins Park, Calgary police officers arrested three people, including lead organizer Wesam Khaled, charged with obstruction and “assaulting” a police officer. We demand that these ridiculous fines be annulled and the charges dropped against Wesam and his comrades!
A few days after the town was ravaged by wildfire, Conservative Premier Danielle Smith held a press conference where she waxed lyrical about the “magic of Jasper” in between suppressed sobs. But she has no right to cry over a tragedy, when she defends the system that caused it.
Nenshi’s victory is the latest shift in the direction of transforming the NDP towards an openly bourgeois party.
Calgary is currently in a state of emergency over an acute water shortage. What started as a water main break in the Bowness neighbourhood has led to water reserves running very close to empty. It has reached a point where Calgary’s Mayor Gondek has warned that unless people majorly reduce consumption “the taps will run dry.”
Here, we publish two eyewitness reports from our comrades who were involved in the encampments in Alberta when the police violently broke them up.
The powerful Katz Group is suing Boyle Street Community Services due to a supposed “breach of contract”. The Katz Group is chaired by its billionaire founder, Daryl Katz, the richest (and almost certainly worst) man in Edmonton and owner of the Edmonton Oilers. Boyle Street is the largest provider of services to homeless people in Edmonton.
On Jan. 11, the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) voted in favour of strike action to demand an increase in wages and student funding. This was quickly followed by single day strikes on Jan. 16 and on Jan. 22, and rotating strikes beginning on Feb 1. Saskatchewan’s labour movement must mobilize in support of the STF!
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