Support for the PTUDC in Montreal

The International Marxist Tendency in Montreal held a public event regarding the situation in Pakistan last December. Those present at the small event included a member of Bloquez l’Empire/Block the Empire-Montreal (BLEM). This group (largely anarchist in its outlook), describes itself as “an anti-authoritarian, direct-action collective opposed to war and militarisation, and their roots and […]

  • Lorenzo Fiorito in Montreal
  • Thu, Feb 14, 2008

The International Marxist Tendency in Montreal held a public event regarding the situation in Pakistan last December. Those present at the small event included a member of Bloquez l’Empire/Block the Empire-Montreal (BLEM). This group (largely anarchist in its outlook), describes itself as “an anti-authoritarian, direct-action collective opposed to war and militarisation, and their roots and manifestations: colonialism, imperialism and capitalism.”

After our presentation, our guest happily offered to propose a resolution supporting the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign at the next meeting of BLEM: the message of endorsement and support was passed on February 10. (The resolution was modelled on the one passed by the radical Quebec student union, l’ASSE.)

Below is the bilingual text of the resolution.

Attendu que la Dictature de Musharraf au Pakistan a déclaré la loi martiale et réprimande l’opposition et les activistes syndicaux

Attendu que la Campagne pour la Défense du Syndicalisme Pakistanais (PTUDC) défend les droits syndicaux au Pakistan

Attendu que plusieurs membres de la PTUDC ont été arrété-e-s sans charges.

Que Bloquez l’empire condamne les actes dictatoriales du regime Musharraf

Que Bloquez l’empire demande la libération immediate de tous les prisonnier-e-s politiques au Pakistan Que Bloquez l’empire endorse et supporte la PTUDC, le mouvement revolutionnaire anti-capitaliste des travailleurs et travailleuses du Pakistan.


Whereas the Musharraf dictatorship in Pakistan has declared marshal law and cracked down on opposition and trade union activists;

Whereas the Pakistan Trade Union Defense Campaign defends trade union rights in Pakistan;

Whereas many members of the Pakistan Trade Union Defense Campaign have been arrested and held without charge;

Be it resolved that Block the Empire condemns the dictatorial actions of the Musharraf regime;

Be it further resolved that Block the Empire demands the immediate release of all political prisoners in Pakistan;

Be it further resolved that Block the Empire endorses and supports the Pakistan Trade Union Defense Campaign, the revolutionary, anti-capitalist movement of the workers of Pakistan.