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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP.
Monthly donors receive a print subscription to Communist Revolution.


Capitalist censorship and Twitter’s tyranny: How not to fight Trumpism

Ari Saffran and Antonio Balmer | January 15, 2021

Happy New Year – for some

Alan Woods | January 8, 2021

Trump’s “insurrection” and the chaos of US bourgeois democracy

Socialist Revolution, USA | January 8, 2021

Revolutionary socialism and the fight against Wall Street’s president

John Peterson | January 5, 2021

Pakistan: Amar Fayaz released!

Pakistan Trade Union Solidarity Campaign | January 4, 2021

Pakistan: international solidarity for comrade Amar Fayaz

Pakistan Trade Union Solidarity Campaign | December 14, 2020

Imperialist hypocrisy: Canadian government refuses to recognize Venezuelan election results

Ben Marenlensky | December 10, 2020

What does the Monetary Reorganization in Cuba Mean?

Jorge Martin | December 8, 2020

India: Farmers strike – Shut down the government

Arsalan Ghani | December 7, 2020

Biden’s win is no victory for the working class: the US needs a workers’ party!

Fred Weston | November 10, 2020

Election Chaos and the Crisis of American Bourgeois Democracy

John Peterson | November 4, 2020

US Elections 2020: The Dumpster Fire of American Bourgeois Democracy

Socialist Revolution, USA | November 3, 2020

Corbyn suspended by British Labour Party – this means war!

Socialist Appeal - Britain | October 30, 2020

Overwhelming victory in the Chilean constitutional referendum: a blow to Piñera and the regime

Corriente Marxista Internacional - Octubre Chile | October 29, 2020

Insurrectionary anger erupts at massacre of Nigerian youth

Ola Kazeem in Nigeria | October 23, 2020

Bolivia: a resounding victory for MAS – what is Arce’s “redirection of the process”?

José Pereira - Lucha de Clases Bolivia | October 22, 2020

Socialism or barbarism: where is Haiti going?

International Marxist Tendency and ELAPRE (Espace de Lutte et d’Action Pour la Révolution - Haiti) | October 15, 2020

International solidarity with the Haitian revolution: down with the injustice of the Moïse regime!

International Marxist Tendency and ELAPRE (Espace de Lutte et d’Action Pour la Révolution - Haiti) | October 15, 2020

The revolutionary legacy of the 1919 Seattle General Strike

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | October 14, 2020

Breonna Taylor – there can be no justice for the majority under capitalism!

Socialist Revolution, USA | September 26, 2020

Brazil: hacker threatens leading member of Esquerda Marxista and his family

Esquerda Marxista | September 21, 2020

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