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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

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News & analysis

Alan Woods North American speaking tour: Canadian leg

Fightback | August 31, 2012

Quebec 2012: Elections in a period of crisis

Nichola G. Richer | August 30, 2012

The New Union Project: Fightback speaks with CEP president Dave Coles

Mike Palecek | August 29, 2012

The CAW and CEP’s “New Union Project”: Fightback’s opinion

Fightback | August 29, 2012

Ontario Liberal government targets teachers: Defend teachers’ right to strike!

Camilo Cahis | August 24, 2012

The lessons of the Quebec student strike: Where now for the student movement?

Joel Bergman and Alex Grant | August 22, 2012

One year after Jack Layton’s death

Julian Benson | August 22, 2012

On the anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s assassination

Vsevolod (Esteban) Volkov | August 20, 2012

Capitalists of the world, unite… in tax evasion

Yuri Yarin | August 17, 2012

$30-billion fighter jet scandal shows real priorities of Conservative austerity government

Julian Benson | August 13, 2012

The Crisis of European Capitalism

In Defence of Marxism | July 17, 2012

Record profits for the banks; Austerity for the rest of us

Julian Benson | July 17, 2012

Mass protests in Mexico erupt over election fraud

Alan Woods | July 10, 2012

Rank-and-file pressure begins to shift the CFS: What are the tasks of student militants?

Farshad Azadian | June 29, 2012

Egypt: How do we fight the counter-revolution?

Alan Woods -- www.marxist.com | June 21, 2012

Political profiling marks a new stage in the repression of the student movement

Laurent Alarie | June 19, 2012

Greek elections aftermath: Fragile victory for ruling class; SYRIZA is enormously strengthened

Marxistiki Foni -- www.marxismos.com | June 18, 2012

XII Canadian Marxist Conference held amidst largest mass movements in Canadian history

Fightback | June 13, 2012

Quebec student movement gains international support

Fightback | June 12, 2012

Lessons from Quebec: Student activists from UQAM speak in Toronto about spreading the student movement

Jahan Niroomand | June 11, 2012

How can we build the student movement across Canada?

Farshad Azadian and Alex Grant | June 1, 2012

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