Join Fightback and La Riposte (Quebec) at the Peoples’ Social Forum in Ottawa, this coming Aug. 21-24.  Thousands are expected to attend and we will be on hand to make sure that the ideas of Marxism are being heard loud and clear! Join us at one of our workshops, at our information stall, or at the Canadian première of the documentary, “Greece on the Brink”.

For more information or to find us during the Forum, contact us at the following:

Email: or

Tel: Alex (647-378-2424)/Farshad (647-204-5312)/Joel (438-887-1917)

Marx Was Right!

Thu. Aug. 21 @ 10:45am 

University of Ottawa Lamoureux Hall (LMX) 390

Facebook event link

The present crisis was not supposed to happen. Economists believed the market could solve all problems, and that the Great Depression would never be repeated. Marx’s prediction of a crisis of overproduction and of working class revolution had been consigned to the dustbin of history. That was then. The wheel of history has turned 180 degrees since 2008.

Workers’ Control and Nationalization

Fri. Aug. 22 @ 2:45pm 

University of Ottawa Morisset Hall (MRT) 212

Facebook event link

We are living in an era of capitalist crisis, austerity, unemployment and workplace closures. At the same time, workers around the world are entering into historic struggles to fight back against austerity and capitalism. What is the relevance of the struggle for workers’ control, workers’ management and nationalization? What can we learn from living examples in Venezuela, Brazil and Greece?

Greece on the Brink — The crisis of capitalism and the socialist solution

Fri. Aug. 22 @ 5:00pm 

University of Ottawa Fauteux Hall (FTX) 227

Facebook event link

Canada documentary première and eyewitness report: Greece has become a focal point in Europe. It is both where the economic crisis has acquired its most acute form and where the revolutionary backlash by the masses has been the most advanced. The Canadian première of “Greece on Brink” will include a Q&A session from an eyewitness to the labour and revolutionary struggles in Greece.